Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hear the Grass Grow

This week has officially been the loneliest week. Cleaning especially. I miss Steve. I miss thinking about him, hearing about him and seeing him. So basically everything. It has been so quiet when I've been a work even when there are clients home while I clean their house. I try to hear something but all I get is nothing. Silence. Its like throwing pennies in an empty barrel. This weekend we built a garden at my brother and the sister in law's house. They look good but I can tell they are the same way. This is hard, I'm not sure what cures things like this except time. The garden is the best one I've helped built yet. It looks good, organized, spaced correctly, rows to walk through and even mulch down which we normally never use. It was good to get out and do something physical today it made me feel more like me.

Well I had my last big hurrah as In Love Again. Packed up alot of stuff to sit underneath a tent, hardly made any money and got rained on. I've never felt more done with In Love Again in my whole entire life. I will be glad to say good bye. It was good to experience that so that I know that I really truly am done with it. Next I'm not really sure. I think I would like to get into more pattern making with fabrics. This sounds totally ridiculous but I would love to make toys. I know...doesn't that sound weird? I haven't actually ever confessed this to anyone yet.  I've been having a good time making dolls when I have free time for my really horrible stop animation videos that I've been trying to do. Its just such a creative road to go down that is also fun and full filling. I don't know if I'll actually go there but its just a thought.

In other news we found a house! Well..maybe found a house. It actually looks like a big kids tree house in the woods. Its perfect, but after our inspection on Tuesday we might decide to drop it if everything needs to be repaired (which is a total possibility). So I'm not putting all of my eggs in one basket although I've thought of all the things I've wanted to do to it already ;) Its actually better the other house that I loved in many ways which I didn't think was possible. I felt really bad that I gave Dave such a hard time. I guess there could be greener grass on the other side maybe?  I don't know what to really say about this house hunting thing but say its really fate. Whatever and where ever you were meant to be you'll get there..just trust in the process I guess and try to be patient.

I've got to drink lots of great beer you like beer? Its amazing. really really amazing.

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