Friday, May 29, 2015


I'm alone in my house and it's quiet!! I'm enjoying my few minutes of bliss before everyone comes back home.
Things with Del are 50/50 but I googled "my toddler Hates me" and there are a lot of other people in the same boat. It's kind of a hard thing to deal with when you do everything for them, love them, try fun things and there is just nothing you can do, no more you can give. No fixes I guess, just got to let it go. Everytime I see a cute happy baby and their mom shopping or out looking super happy I just want to break down in tears. I think I just need to do me now , go back to working full time and hopefully things will turn around someday.
 Things with Dave and I have been hit or miss too-relationships change so much after a baby.

Things I'm grateful for today-allergy meds, is it weird to say cute clothes, and flowers

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